Month: April 2015

Letter to the editor of International New York Times

Economy is on upswing as Pakistan effectively combats terrorism: embassy spokesman

The tragic news of Mr. Warren Weinstein’s death reportedly in a US drone strike has shocked everyone in Pakistan

Finance Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar met Ms Sri Mulyani Indrawati MD World bank

Federal Finance Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar met the President OPIC Ms. Elizabeth Littlefield

Federal Finance Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar met the Vice President of World Bank’s South Asian Region Ms. Annette Dixon

Finance Minister meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Japan

Finance Minister meeting with Mr. Mitsuhiro Furusawa DMD IMF

Finance Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar met Under Secretary of State Ms Catherine Novelli

Finance Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar meeting with the US Deputy Secretary of State Mr. Anthony Blinken

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The Embassy of Pakistan Washington D.C.

shall remain closed on
Monday & Tuesday (15-16 July , 2024)
on account of
Ashura (9th & 10th Moharrum)

Eid Mubarak

The Embassy of Pakistan, Washington, D.C. will remain closed from 8-10 April (Monday-Wednesday) on account of Eid-ul-Fitr