Nation’s resolve against violence post August 16: Masood Khan

Ambassador Masood Khan has said that Jaranwala was a defining moment. It could serve as an inflection point if the consensus built against the horrendous act is translated into concrete actions against the elements who tarnish the name of Islam and the image of Pakistan.

“Ours was and should continue to be an inclusive society and the actions of August 16 are beyond condemnation,” he said.

It was a dark day for Pakistan. Innocent people were traumatized and churches were burnt and desecrated. We condemn these as acts of terror,” he continued.

Ambassador Masood Khan made these remarks during his virtual meeting with pastors and Christian leaders of Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting organized by Pakistani American Friends of Atlanta Team (PAFA) was attended among others by Gloria Joseph, Sharoon Y Farhat, Solomon Luke, Jonathan Massey, Flavia Bharadwaj, David Cecil, Dr. Nasir Sohtra, Javed Stephen Massey, Cyril Benjamin and Rev. Younis Farhat (Pastor Farhat).

The actions of August 16 do not represent our society or our religion, which is a religion of peace for the humanity,” he said.

“I repeat the sentiment of the people of Pakistan. The leadership of Pakistan including the government, civil society and the heads of religious parties across the spectrum have condemned the incident,” he said

The Ambassador said that Prime Minister, incoming Chief Justice of Pakistan, Chief Minister Punjab, Cabinet members and senior officials have visited the place to express solidarity with the affected people. He said that 160 suspected arsonists have been arrested so far and investigations were underway. He further said that an amount of Rs. 02 million was being given to the affected families. The community has stepped forward to help rebuild damaged houses and properties, he continued.

The Ambassador said that Pakistani have lived together as a society and we were proud of the contribution made by our Christian brethren towards socio-economic development of the country.

“Mere condemnation,” the Ambassador said, “ was not enough. We should devise a system to ensure that such horrendous acts do not recur.” Masood Khan said that collective will and wisdom could stop misuse of laws and the actions that target vulnerable communities.

He also called upon Pak-American community to help healing the wounds of the affected people.

The participants speaking on the occasion appreciated the firm resolve shown by the leadership of the country in rejecting the heinous acts. They also underscore the need for effective steps to stop misuse of laws, particularly targeting vulnerable communities.

The Ambassador thanked the participants for expressing solidarity with the victims of Jaranwala. He assured continued conversation and engagement with the community leaders to overcome the challenges faced by the country including stemming the tide of extremism.

Washington D.C, August 24, 2023

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