Meeting of the SAPM with Senator John McCain

Meeting of the SAPM with Senator John McCain

The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs (SAPM), Syed Tariq Fatemi met with the Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), Senator John McCain this afternoon.

The SAPM informed the Senator about the overall security situation in the region and significant gains made by Pakistani forces following the successful military operations in North Waziristan which were aimed at eliminating all terrorists, without any discrimination, from the Pakistani soil.

The regional situation including Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan and the growing tension across the Line of Control and the Working Boundary were also discussed.

Recalling his visit to Pakistan in summer this year, Senator McCain appreciated the efforts by Pakistan to eliminate terrorist outfits from the region and assured the SASC’s continued support in realizing the common objective of defeating terrorism. He congratulated Pakistan on successful transition in the military command and reiterated the US commitment to remain engaged with Pakistan in promoting lasting peace and stability in the region.

The SAPM also invited Senator McCain to visit Pakistan next year.

December 08, 2016
Washington D.C

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