Embassy of Pakistan in Washington D.C observed Black Day

Embassy of Pakistan in Washington D.C observed Black Day

In accordance with the directives of the Federal Cabinet, the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC observed Black Day today. To express their solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir and to protest against the recent atrocities being committed by Indian security forces in IoK, the Embassy staff and a large number of Pakistani community members wore black bands on their arms.

In his message, Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani highlighted Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s commitment to stand with Kashmiris in their just struggle for right to self-determination and continuation of Pakistan’s moral, political and diplomatic support to them. He also expressed the hope that the international community would fulfill its commitment towards the people of Jammu & Kashmir under the UNSC resolutions as well as take notice of the culture of impunity, grave human rights violations and state-sponsored terror in the occupied territory. He emphasized that violence against innocent civilians must stop and basic human rights including the right to protest and political activity must be respected.

Speaking on the occasion, the representatives of Pakistani-American community and Kashmiri people condemned India’s state terrorism and flagrant human rights violations in IoK. They paid rich tribute to Pakistan for its principled stand on the Kashmir dispute, which was reflective of complete national unity and an expression of public sentiment.

Special prayers were also offered on this occasion for the martyrs and people of Jammu and Kashmir.

July 20, 2016
Washington D.C

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