Letter to the editor of New York Times International

Letter to the editor of New York Times International

Re “A Rising Tide of Bogus Degrees” (editorial, May 20):

After your May 18 front-page investigative report about the alleged involvement of Axact, a Pakistan-based company, in a bogus-degree fraud, the Pakistani government began a wide investigation into the company’s activities to consider the allegations.

We are therefore disappointed to see the insinuations in your editorial of Pakistani government complicity.

Bogus-degree fraud is not unique to Pakistan. In the past, several fake-degree scandals have surfaced in various parts of the world, including in the United States. No one pointed a finger at the governments concerned.

I hope that instead of speculating or jumping to conclusions, you will allow Pakistan’s law to take its course in dispensing justice and bringing to book those involved, if found guilty.

Press Attaché, Pakistan Embassy

May 27, 2015
Washington D.C.

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