Message from President Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Pakistan Day

Message from President Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Pakistan Day

The 23rd of March marks the momentous occasion when Muslims of India resolved to struggle for an independent state based on principles of equality and justice. It was on this day, 75 years ago, that great thinkers and political leaders came together to embark upon the journey for independence. Quaid e Azam realized that it was the right of every Muslim of South Asia to enjoy freedom equality and social justice. Millions of people sacrificed their lives to realize the dream of Pakistan.

To mark this historic occasion I would like to urge all citizens of Pakistan to renew their resolve to bring their country to the forefront of the comity of nations. We are confronted with formidable threats and challenges. Women and children, civilians and soldiers alike, have been targeted by terrorists and extremists. Our schools and our places of worship have been attacked. This day brings us together to remind us of the great struggle and commitment that accomplished the state of Pakistan. Today Pakistan needs the same efforts and commitment from its citizens to unite against evil forces. We must forget our differences and reclaim our country. A country where there is harmony and tolerance, education and prosperity, and people can live in peace and continue to strive towards success.

May Allah Almighty bless us in our efforts to preserve and protect our citizens and our homeland.


March 18, 2015

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