Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, today, called on Senator Jeff Flake, member of the Senate Foreign Relations, Judiciary and Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, today, called on Senator Jeff Flake, member of the Senate Foreign Relations, Judiciary and Energy and Natural Resources Committee

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, today, called on Senator Jeff Flake, member of the Senate Foreign Relations, Judiciary and Energy and Natural Resources Committees.

Ambassador Jilani briefed Senator Flake on the recent developments in the bilateral relationship including the various high level visits from both sides. Ambassador Jilani thanked Senator Flake for the US assistance and continued cooperation with Pakistan on a wide range of issues particularly energy and trade as well as counter-terrorism.

Senator Flake took note of the peaceful democratic transition in Pakistan and the various steps taken by Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif to revive the economy and improve relations with the neighbouring countries in the region. The Senator expressed the hope that regional stability would benefit the people of South Asia and bring prosperity to the entire region.

The two sides also discussed the issues of peace and stability in the wake of the US drawdown from Afghanistan.

June 03, 2014
Washington D.C

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