Secretary of State John F. Kerry hosted a dinner in honour of the Prime Minister at the State Department

Secretary of State John F. Kerry hosted a dinner in honour of the Prime Minister at the State Department

The Secretary of State John F. Kerry hosted a dinner in honour of the Prime Minister and his delegation at the State Department, soon after his arrival in the US capital late this afternoon.

From the US side, senior Administration officials including Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Director CIA John Brennan and SRAP James Dobbins assisted the Secretary of State.

Welcoming the Prime Minister, Secretary Kerry expressed the confidence that the visit would provide the necessary impetus to further deepen and expand the US- Pakistan relations. Pakistan was an important country in the region and the US would be working with the democratic government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in all areas of bilateral relations under the revived mechanism of the Strategic Dialogue, the Secretary stressed. He further appreciated the bold decisions taken by Prime Minister Sharif for reviving the economy and overcoming the energy shortages.

The Prime Minister noted that he looked forward to meeting with President Obama at the White House on 23 October. This would be the first summit level interaction between the two countries after the historic democratic transition in Pakistan. The Prime Minister reiterated his determination to revive the economy and improve the law and order situation in Pakistan. Outlining his vision of promoting peace and stability in the region, the Prime Minister emphasized the need to work together in meeting the common challenges of extremism and terrorism.

Other matters of mutual interest including regional stability and situation in Afghanistan were also discussed during the dinner meeting.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by Advisor to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Finance Minister Mr. Ishaq Dar, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Syed Tariq Fatemi and Foreign Secretary Mr. Jalil Abbas Jilani.

Earlier, upon his arrival at the Andrews Air Force Base in Washington for a three day official visit, the Prime Minister was accorded warm welcome by the senior officials of the White House and the Department of State. A smart contingent of the US armed services also presented guard of honour to the Prime Minister.

October 20, 2013
Washington DC

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