Pakistan Embassy, Washington DC hosts an event to promote Pakistan’s Tourism & Culture

Pakistan Embassy, Washington DC hosts an event to promote Pakistan’s Tourism & Culture

Embassy of Pakistan in Washington, D.C. hosted an event to promote Pakistan’s tourism and cultural diversity.

In his remarks on the occasion, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Asad Majeed Khan, said that Pakistan was blessed with majestic landscapes, rich and diverse culture and historical heritage. He highlighted the immense and diverse tourism opportunities offered by Pakistan. He said that the Government of Pakistan was focused on promoting the tourism industry through infrastructure development, investment and liberalization of visa regimes. As a result, Pakistan had been termed as one of the top tourist destinations by a number of foreign media outlets including Forbes, The British Backpackers’ Society and Conde’ Nast Traveler.

The event also included introduction to Pakistani cuisine, music and culture. An exhibit showcasing the beautiful landscapes, people, historical monuments and rich cultural heritage of Pakistan was also displayed.

The guests appreciated Pakistani culture and cuisine. The event was the first in the series of events planned to celebrate Pakistan’s 75th Anniversary.

Washington D.C, September 14, 2021

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