Message of Prime Minister Imran Khan on Inauguration of Kartarpur Corridor 9th Nov 2019

Message of Prime Minister Imran Khan on Inauguration of Kartarpur Corridor 9th Nov 2019

I wish to congratulate the Sikh Community, residing on both sides of the border and the world over, on this historic day of inauguration of Kartarpur Corridor. The significance of this event for the Sikh Community, on 550th birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji, can be well understood by the Muslims who know what it means to visit holy places.

The inauguration of Kartarpur Corridor is a manifestation of the fact that our hearts are always open for the followers of different religions as enjoined by our great religion and envisioned by our Father of the Nation. Today we are not only opening border but also our hearts for the Sikh community. This unprecedented gesture of goodwill from the Government of Pakistan is a reflection of our deep respect for Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji and religious sentiments of Sikh Community who always wanted to have an easy access to the shrine of their spiritual leader and perform their religious obligations.

The inauguration today is also a testimony of our commitment towards peace of the region. We believe that the road to prosperity of region and bright future of our coming generation lies in peace. We believe that interfaith harmony and peaceful coexistence will provide us an opportunity to work for larger interests of people of the sub-continent.

While congratulating the Sikh Community once again, I also wish to thank all those who contributed towards transforming this vision in reality in record time of 10 months only.

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