Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar Met with Director MCD, IMF

Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar Met with Director MCD, IMF

Finance Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar met Mr. Jihad Azour, Director MCD IMF and his team. Finance Minister briefed Mr. Azour about the successful article IV consultation. He said that macro indicators have shown remarkable improvement since 2013 when PML(N) Government took over. He said that the only area of concern is exports for which Government has launched a very aggressive program to boost exports.

Finance Minister Dar informed Director MCD that in collaboration with IFC, Government is planning to channel private sector investment to infrastructure projects of Pakistan. He expressed confidence that Pakistan will register growth of over 5% in current financial year and reach upto 7% mark in medium term.

While responding to a question by Mr. Azour, Director MCD IMF about the Current Account Deficit, Finance Minister said that we had over $8 billion of import of capital goods during current FY which is not only necessary for increasing production capacity but also proves that private businesses are benefiting from low discount rates.

Director MCD IMF Mr. Jihad Azour observed that adhering to reforms process will protect the Pakistan’s economy from shocks and help the Government in achieving higher sustainable inclusive growth rate.

April 25, 2017
Washington D.C

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