Kashmir Solidarity Day, a special event was organized at the Embassy of Pakistan

Kashmir Solidarity Day, a special event was organized at the Embassy of Pakistan

On the occasion of the Kashmir Solidarity Day, a special event was organized at the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC. The event was attended by a large cross-section of the Pakistani and Kashmiri Diaspora in Washington D.C.

Speaking on the occasion Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani reaffirmed Pakistan’s firm support to the people of Kashmir in their just struggle for seeking their right of self-determination in accordance with the UN resolutions. He emphasised that Pakistan is committed to seeking a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He also recalled that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in his address to the UN General Assembly last year had highlighted that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute will bring about lasting peace and stability in South Asia.

Ambassador (Retd) Touqir Hussain in his key note address on the occasion explained the background, history and the current status of the Kashmir dispute. He noted that the dispute had moral, political, diplomatic, and economic dimensions and in his view Pakistan must remain engaged with the Kashmiri struggle—morally, politically, diplomatically and above all peacefully.

February 05, 2014
Washington DC

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