Ambassador Rehman’s meeting with Senator Robert P. Casey Jr. Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Ambassador Rehman’s meeting with Senator Robert P. Casey Jr. Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Ambassador Sherry Rehman, on 27 February 2013, held a meeting with Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-PA). Ambassador briefed Senator Casey on the recent developments in the Pak-US bilateral track particularly in the context of addressing the IED challenges that pose a common threat to Pakistan and the United States. Ambassador shared with Senator the comprehensive steps taken by Pakistan to check the inflow of IED precursors into Afghanistan.

Senator Casey took note of the consistent efforts by Pakistani authorities to curtail the IED threats and assured the continued US assistance in enhancing Pakistan’s capability to meet with the common menace of IEDs.

Matters of mutual interest including situation in Afghanistan and reconciliation process were also discussed.

February 28, 2013
Washington, D.C.

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