PAKISTAN’S NATIONAL STATEMENT – Nuclear Security Summit Washington, 31 March – 1 April 2016

PAKISTAN’S NATIONAL STATEMENT – Nuclear Security Summit Washington, 31 March – 1 April 2016

Pakistan is strongly committed to the objective of nuclear security and has been proactively engaged with the international community to promote nuclear safety and security. It has ensured that nuclear and radioactive materials and all related facilities are secured in all places.

The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process has contributed to improved nuclear security by raising greater awareness about it. The process has reinforced nuclear security culture as an area of special focus. Valuable ground has been covered in strengthening nuclear security architecture worldwide through national efforts.

Nuclear security is a national responsibility. Effectivemeasures taken at the national level contribute to nuclear security internationally.

As a responsible nuclear state, Pakistan takes nuclear security very seriously and accords it the highest priority in its security construct. Our nuclear security paradigm, evolved over the years, is effective and responsive against the entire range of possible threats. Nuclear security regime in Pakistan is dynamic and regularly reviewed and updated.

In line with the commitment made during the 2014 NSS, Pakistan has ratified the 2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM). This is a reaffirmation of Pakistan’s confidence in its national nuclear security regime, which is consistent with the contemporary international standards.

Focus on nuclear security should further enhanceinternational cooperation in peaceful applications of nuclear technology. Confidence in safety and security of nuclear and radiological materials and associated facilities should facilitate collaboration in health, industry, agriculture and other sectors.

Post-NSS 2016, focus should be on broadening participation in efforts towards promoting nuclear security through the platform of IAEA which has primacy and the competence in such matters.

National Nuclear Security Regime

Pakistan’s nuclear security regime is based on national legislative, regulatory and administrative framework. The elements of nuclear security in Pakistan include robustcommand and control system led by the National Command Authority (NCA), rigorous regulatory regime, comprehensive export controls and international cooperation. We follow the principle of multi-layered defence to prevent and effectively respond to the entire spectrum of threats.

Pakistan has established a specially trained, highly skilled and well equipped force that is designed for nuclear security. Dedicated intelligence provides depth to our security architecture. Continuous threat appraisal and institutional reviews are conducted to upgrade response mechanism.

The regulatory regime encompasses all matters related to nuclear safety and security, including physical protection of materials and facilities, material control and accounting, transport security, prevention of illicit trafficking, border controls, and plans to deal with possible radiological emergencies through an elaborate Nuclear Emergency Management System (NEMS).

Pakistan’s export control regime is at par with the standards followed by Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and Australia Group.

International cooperation, consistent with our national policies and international obligations, helps in voluntary sharing of best practices and experiences in the security domain.

Centre of Excellence: As part of nuclear security regime, Pakistan’s Centre of Excellence on Nuclear Security (PCENS) has been established. Working together, PCENS, the National Institute of Safety and Security (NISAS) and Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) provide exhaustive education and training in areas including physical protection, material control and accounting, transport security, cyber security and personnel reliability. These training facilities continue to grow into a regional and international hub, with support of the IAEA.

In collaboration with IAEA, PCENS has conducted several regional and national training courses. Pakistan hosted the annual meeting of the ‘International Network of Nuclear Security Support Centres’ in March 2016, which was the first meeting of the Network held outside IAEA Headquarters, Vienna.

Technical and Scientific support: PNRA and PAEC maintain dedicated units to provide technical and scientific support services at the national level to ensure equipment lifecycle management and to provide assistance in case of any nuclear security event. These units are equipped with necessary laboratory tools, equipment, software and expert support.

Nuclear Safety: Pakistan attaches great importance to nuclear safety at all levels. Safety parameters, emergency preparedness and response, and operators’ training protocols and procedures are continuously reviewed and enforced. The approach to ensure safety of nuclear power plants is in accordance with national regulatory system.

IAEA-Pakistan Nuclear Security Cooperation Program: Pakistan has successfully implemented IAEA-Pakistan nuclear security cooperation program. Several projects have been successfully implemented for capacity enhancement in nuclear security.
Nuclear Medical Centres: Security measures at all Nuclear Medical Centres with category-l radioactive sources are being upgraded, through IAEA-Pakistan cooperation. Physical protection at a number of Centers using Category-l sources has been upgraded consistent with the IAEA Code of Conduct on Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources.

In addition, collaboration with IAEA is an ongoing processfor enhancing nuclear security systems and measures at civilian Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors consistent with global good practices, such as nuclear security recommendations contained in INFCIRC 225/Rev.5 and other nuclear security documents of IAEA.

Nuclear Emergency Management System: A Nuclear Emergency Management System (NEMS) has been established at the national level to handle nuclear and radiological emergencies. A Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Support Centre (NURESC) and Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Coordination Center (NRECC) provide technical guidance to licensees and users of nuclear and radiation facilities in case of an emergency and coordinate the response. Several training courses for the first responders and emergency response personnel have been conducted for emergency preparedness.

Revision of Pakistan’s National Export Control List: The Strategic Export Control Division (SECDIV) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notified second revision of the ‘National Export Control List’ in 2015. The List, classified on the basis of the European Union’s integrated system, covers the scope of export controls maintained by NSG, Australia Group and MTCR.

Combating Illicit Trafficking: As part of its national detection architecture, Pakistan has deployed radiation detection equipment at several entry and exit points to deter, detect and prevent illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials.

International Cooperation: Pakistan has submitted four reports to the UNSCR 1540 Committee. The reports elaborate measures taken by Pakistan for nuclear and radiological security as well as on controls over transfer of sensitive materials and technologies.

Pakistan is a party to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material including its 2005 Amendment, Nuclear Safety Convention, Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, and the Convention on Assistance in case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Within this framework, Pakistan will continueto contribute to the strengthening of nuclear safety and security.

Pakistan has been working with the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) in different areas, including the development of GICNT guidelines. Pakistan is also a member of UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).

Future Aspirations: Pakistan has an elaborate programme for harnessing peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We operatepower plants, research reactors, agriculture and biotechnology research centers, medical centers, and also employ industrial applications of nuclear technology.Pakistan is proud to have more than 42 years’ experience in safe and secure operations of nuclear power plants under IAEA safeguards.

Pakistan believes that safe and sustainable civil nuclear energy is essential to advance its economic development plans. Our Energy Security Plan includes a Nuclear Power Programme 2050, to meet current energy shortfalls and future requirements of a growing population and economy. Towards this end, we envisage generation of nuclear energy of 40,000 MW. To realize this plan, Pakistan seeks international civil nuclear cooperation.

Pakistan is ready to assist interested states with experience and expertise gained in the areas of nuclear power generation, and other applications of nuclear technology, under the auspices of the IAEA.

As a country with advanced nuclear fuel cycle capability, Pakistan is in a position to provide nuclear fuel cycle services under IAEA safeguards, and to participate in any non-discriminatory nuclear fuel cycle assurance mechanisms.

Over the years, Pakistan has streamlined and strengthened its export control regime and enhanced its engagement with multilateral export control regimes. Pakistan has strong credentials to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and other multilateral export control regimes, on non-discriminatory basis.

Pakistan’s participation in the entire NSS process reflects its seriousness and strong sense of responsibility. We remain alive to the need for sustained national efforts in the domain of nuclear security.

Pakistan’s National Statement – NSS 2016

April 01, 2016
Washington D.C

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