Democratic Pakistan wishes to have cordial working relationship with the US : Ambassador Jilani informs House Foreign Affairs Committee members

Democratic Pakistan wishes to have cordial working relationship with the US : Ambassador Jilani informs House Foreign Affairs Committee members

In the recent days, Ambassador Jilani met a number of Congressmen belonging to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives to discuss bilateral relations and the regional situation.

Members of the Committee who received the Ambassador included Rep. Ed Royce (R- CA), Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee; Rep. Eliot Engel ( D-NY) Ranking Member of the Committee; Rep. William Keating (D- Massachusetts) Ranking Member of Subcommittee on Emerging Threats; Rep. Randy Weber (R- TX); Rep. Steve Stockman (R- TX), Rep. Joe Kennedy (D- Massachusetts); Rep. Jackie Speier (D- CA)

During these interactions the Ambassador briefed the Congressmen on the state of bilateral relations and the policies undertaken by the current government to enhance economic governance, improve internal security and overtures undertaken to build better relations with Pakistan’s neighbors.

Ambassador Jilani informed the Congressmen that Pakistan deeply values Congressional support to democracy and various programs for providing assistance to Pakistan in Energy, Education, Health and Security etc. He also underscored the need to broadening people to people contacts including parliamentary exchanges.

Matters related to regional developments also came up during these discussions.
The Congressmen noted the positive trajectory of Pakistan-US bilateral relations and expressed the hope that both nations will continue to develop wide ranging mutually beneficial cooperation in the future.

May 12, 2014
Washington D.C

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