Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, called on the Senate Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid at the Capitol building.

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, called on the Senate Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid at the Capitol building.

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, called on the Senate Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid at the Capitol building.

Ambassador Jilani briefed Senator Reid on the recent developments in the bilateral relationship including the various high level visits from both sides. Ambassador Jilani also apprised the Senator of the specific measures undertaken by the government to achieve fiscal stability, economic development and improve internal security. The vigorous economic agenda of the government, Ambassador noted, was already yielding results through positive economic indicators and being noted by the International Financial Institutions.

Senator Reid congratulated the Ambassador on the peaceful democratic transition and the positive steps taken by the Prime Minister to revive the economy and improve law and order situation. Taking note of the regular exchange of visits between the two countries at various levels, Senator expressed optimism for further solidifying the relationship with Pakistan.

The two sides also discussed the issues of peace and stability in the region in the wake of US drawdown from Afghanistan.

May 15, 2014
Washington D.C

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