Prime Minister Muhammed Nawaz Sharif’s Letter to President Obama on 4th July‏

Prime Minister Muhammed Nawaz Sharif’s Letter to President Obama on 4th July‏

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of the Government and the people of Pakistan, it gives me great pleasure to convey warm greetings to you and the American people as you celebrate the Independence Day of the United States of America.

Our two nations are bound by ideals of freedom, democracy and human rights. We are committed to consolidating this relationship into a broad and enduring partnership. Pakistan will continue to adhere to further strengthening our mutually beneficial relations and enhanced cooperation to the benefit of our two peoples. We wish you and the people of the United States of America, continued progress and prosperity. We also value the confidence and understanding that exists at the leadership level between our two countries.

Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.

(Muhammad Nawaz Sharif)
Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

July 04, 2015

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