Ambassador of Pakistan Participates in New Jersey Pakistan Day Parade

Ambassador of Pakistan Participates in New Jersey Pakistan Day Parade

Ambassador of Pakistan, Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry participated in Pakistan Day Parade in Edison, (New Jersey) today. Hundreds of Pakistani-Americans participated in the event.

Ambassador Chaudhry marched with the participants who chanted nationalistic slogans. Senator Frank Pallone, including New Jersey Assembly representatives of the State were a part of the event.

In his address, Ambassador Chaudhry felicitated the participants on the 70th Independence Day of Pakistan. He stressed that Every Pakistani in the United States is a proud Ambassador of Pakistan who carries the flag. He particularly lauded Pakistani women who rendered endless service for the promotion and projection of Pakistan.

Ambassador Chaudhry also lauded Sam Khan, Dr. Zubair and members of the Board of Trustees of the Parade for their continued contribution in making the New Jersey Parade a success.

August 21 , 2017
Washington D.C

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