Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, met with Senator Benjamin Cardin at the Hill

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, met with Senator Benjamin Cardin at the Hill

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, met with Senator Benjamin Cardin at the Hill. Senator Cardin is member of the various important Committees of the Senate including the Foreign Relations, Finance and Environment and Public Works.

Ambassador Jilani thanked Senator Cardin for his consistent support for Pakistan and briefed him on the state of play and recent developments in the bilateral relationship. The two countries, Ambassador emphasized, were engaged in a wide ranging cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, defence, security and counter-terrorism. He stressed the importance that the Pakistani leadership attached to further deepening and expanding the mutually beneficial partnership with the United States. Ambassador Jilani also availed the opportunity to brief the Senator on the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan which was aimed at eliminating all the terrorists from the Pakistani soil without any discrimination and destroying their communication and operational bases.

Senator Cardin took note of the sacrifices of the people of Pakistan in the war against terrorism and reiterated his support and commitment to work for enhancing the US engagement with Pakistan. He also appreciated the efforts of the Pakistani government to revive the economy and improve law and order situation in the country.

Peace and stability in the region including the situation in Afghanistan were also discussed in the meeting.

September 10, 2014
Washington, DC

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