US Secretary of State Calls on Prime Minister

US Secretary of State Calls on Prime Minister

The US Secretary of State, John F. Kerry called on the Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the UNGA in New York.

The two sides reviewed the state of bilateral relationship and agreed to intensify the engagements in the coming weeks and months to further expand and deepen bilateral cooperation in all areas. It was also agreed to convene meetings of the various Working Groups under the revived Strategic Dialogue mechanism.

During the meeting the Prime Minister noted that improvement in security, revival of economy and overcoming the energy crisis were the key priorities of his government. The Prime Minister also emphasized that greater trade between Pakistan and the US would contribute to the economic prosperity of the people of Pakistan and help in evolving a mutually beneficial relationship between the two countries.

Secretary Kerry extended an invitation to the Prime Minister from President Obama to visit Washington. President Obama will welcome the Prime Minister to the White House on October 23. This high level interaction, Secretary Kerry stressed, would provide the necessary impetus to move towards a long term Pakistan-US engagement. The Prime Minister was pleased to accept the invitation.

Matters of mutual interest including regional stability and situation in Afghanistan were also discussed during the meeting.

September 26, 2013
New York

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