Response to media reports on the meetings of U.S. Secretary of Defence

Response to media reports on the meetings of U.S. Secretary of Defence

In response to media reports, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the meetings of the US Secretary of Defence, Chuck Hagel, in Islamabad on 9 December, were held in a friendly and cordial atmosphere. The two sides held in-depth exchanges on the whole range of issues of mutual interest. The two sides agreed to work to strengthen Pakistan-US relations and reaffirmed the importance of Pakistan-US strategic partnership for peace and stability in the region.

Taking the opportunity of Secretary Hagel’s visit, our side highlighted and conveyed Pakistan’s deep concern over continuing US drone strikes, stressing that drone strikes were counter-productive to our efforts to combat terrorism and extremism on an enduring basis.

Secretary Hagel assured the Prime Minister that the Administration was engaged with Congress to ensure that the cooperation with Pakistan was not impacted negatively.

The Spokesperson drew the attention of the journalists to the statement of the US Department of Defence, which inter alia states“Secretary Hagel raised the importance of keeping the ground supply routes out of Afghanistan opened and thanked the Prime Minister for his Government’s continued support”.

December 10, 2013

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