News & Press Releases

In response to media queries regarding pentagon decision not to certify CSF?

Multiple reports about the death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar but there is no certainty about the date or place

Remarks by Mr. Sajid Bilal, Minister, on the Occasion of the “Black Day”

Message from Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani on the Occasion of “Black Day” to Express Solidarity with Kashmiris

Embassy of Pakistan in Washington D.C observed Black Day

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani, met with Senator John McCain, chair of the Armed Services Committee

Pakistan playing leading role in building consensus on religious tolerance

Government of Pakistan Three Years Progress in Petroleum, Natural Resources and Water & Power Sectors as well as Improving Road Connectivity in the Country June, 2016

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani met Senator Ed Markey at the Capitol Hill

Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani attended the funeral of Muhammad Ali in Louisville, Kentucky

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The Embassy of Pakistan Washington D.C.

shall remain closed on
Monday & Tuesday (15-16 July , 2024)
on account of
Ashura (9th & 10th Moharrum)

Eid Mubarak

The Embassy of Pakistan, Washington, D.C. will remain closed from 8-10 April (Monday-Wednesday) on account of Eid-ul-Fitr