Trilateral Core Group on Afghanistan meets in Brussels

Trilateral Core Group on Afghanistan meets in Brussels

As part of the high level consultations between Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States, a Trilateral Core Group meeting was held in Brussels on 24 April 2013, which was attended by the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Mr. Hamid Karzai, Secretary of State of the United States, H.E. Mr. John Kerry, and Chief of Army Staff of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani also attended the talks.

The meeting was held in a positive and constructive atmosphere. It was emphasized that a peaceful, stable and united Afghanistan is vital for peace and economic development of Afghanistan, Pakistan and the region. It was further agreed that a sustainable reconciliation process was essential for the achievement of shared objectives.

The meeting noted that terrorism and extremism continue to pose a threat to the region which impeded economic progress. For this purpose, it was agreed to pursue political, security and economic cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistan side reaffirmed to continue its consistent support for an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan. It was stressed that Pakistan remains committed to continue its positive contribution towards a durable peace and sustainable economic development in Afghanistan.

Separately, General Kayani also met with Chairman Military Committee of NATO, General Knud Bartel to discuss issues of mutual concern and interests in the context of Afghanistan. Chairman of the Military Committee of NATO later hosted a dinner in honour of General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and his delegation.

April 24, 2013

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